Hotel Le Cardinal

Política de Privacidad

Personal Data Protection Policy

When you use the website, Hotel le Cardinal may have to gather and manage your personal data, enabling Our Users to take advantage of Our services and Our privileged offers.

The purpose of this personal data protection Policy is to inform users of the Service of the means used to gather and manage Your personal data, in compliance with the applicable French and European legislation, in particular Law No.78-17 dated 6 January 1978, concerning computers, files and liberties, amended by Law No.2004-801 dated 6 August 2004 and by Law No. 2018-493 dated 20 June 2018 (“Computer and Liberties Law”), European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the management of personal data and the free circulation of such data (“GDPR”) and Directive 2002/58 dated 12 July 2002 amended by Directive 2009/136/CE (“ePrivacy Directive”), and all domestic texts that transpose these laws and any subsequent text that may replace them.

We attach great importance to Your privacy and to the protection of Your personal data.

By accessing and/or using the Service, You consent to Your personal data being gathered and managed under the conditions and modes set forth below. If You do not accept this Policy, You should stop using the Service entirely.

The Policy forms an integral part of the Legal Notices of the Service (General Conditions of Use or “GCU”) and should be read together with the GCU accessible at the following address:, and also Our privacy protection policy, which is accessible below.

We may amend the Policy, in particular to adapt to all legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial and technical developments under the conditions described in the GCU. You should refer to the latest version of this Policy before browsing.


The terms “personal data” (“Personal Data”), “manage/management ”, “data manager”, “sub-contractor”, “ addressee(s) ”, “consent”, “file”, have the same meaning as that set forth in Clause 4 of the GDPR.


The personal responsible for Users’ Personal Data gathered from the Service is the company Hôtel le Cardinal, 3 Rue du Cardinal Mercier, 75009 PARIS, whose contact details can be found in Clause ‎10.


When Personal Data is collected, Users will be informed if certain Personal Data should necessarily be filled in or if it is optional. If any compulsory Personal Data is not provided, access to certain functionalities of the Service, such as booking rooms on line, and their use by the User, will be impossible.

In particular, We may have to gather the following kinds of Personal Data

• Identity: title, surname, first name, organization, telephone number, e-mail address;

• Interests declared on a form or deduced from the use made of the Service;

• Contacts and notifications sent to Us;

• Technical browsing and interaction data: frequency of visit statistics: IP address, cookies, for example, the pages consulted by the User, the date and time when they were consulted (please see the cookies Policy).


The Personal Data that You provide Us with, and the data that is gathered and/or managed within the framework of Your use of the Service, is managed in order to meet the following purposes:

Legal base Purpose

Contract between You and Us (GCU and this Policy) To make the Service available for You, ensuring it works correctly, in particular to deal with Your enquiries, to facilitate Your browsing, etc.

Our legitimate interest in improving Our Service To improve the Service, in particular to optimize and provide new functionalities in the Service, and to provide You with a simplified automatic input

Our legitimate interest in providing You with services and offers corresponding to Your preferences and interests To adapt and optimize the display of Service content and promotional offers, to Users’ parameters and preferences, wishes and interests, as encountered, supposed or deduced from Your use of the Service, the information You obtain Your browsing and Your interaction with the Service

 Our legitimate Interest in promoting Our Service and providing You with offers and news

 Your consent to receiving offers and news from Our partners To inform You of Our offers and news, unless you refuse this, and of the offers and news of Our partners, if You have given Your consent thereto


The Personal Data database set up when You use the Service is strictly confidential. We undertake to apply all useful precautions, and the appropriate organizational and technical measures to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of the Personal Data, and in particular to avoid it being altered, or damaged and to avoid unauthorized third parties from having access thereto.

5.1 Data transferred to public authorities and/or bodies

In accordance with current regulations, Personal Data may be transferred to the competent authorities on request and in particular to public bodies, for the exclusive purpose of legal obligations, representatives of the law, judicial officers and bodies entrusted with the recovery of debt.

5.2 Data accessible to third parties

Personal Data may be used by Us, Our subcontractors, Our subsidiaries and/or, if necessary, Our commercial partners, for the purposes described in Clause 4 above.

• Our personnel, the services entrusted with monitoring (in particular the accounts auditors) and Our subcontractors will enjoy access to the Personal Data gathered within the framework of the use of the Service;

• Our commercial partners, such as restaurants and spas, will enjoy access to Users’ Personal Data in particular for the purpose of managing their bookings and after-sales service;

• Social networks: if Users have an account on any of the social networks and use the Service, We may receive information from these social networks, and the social networks services may receive information about how Users use the Service. When Users use the Service via a social network website, Users allow Us to access certain information that they have supplied to the social network website, in particular their user name, name and surname, profile image, and Personal Data for the use of this service. By accessing the Service via a social network website, Users authorize Us to gather, keep and use all the information that the User has authorized the social network website to supply Us with.

5.3 Transfers outside the European Union

Users’ Personal Data may be managed outside the European Union, including by remote access. We hereby undertake not to transfer the Personal Data outside the European Union without applying the appropriate guarantees in conformity with the Applicable Regulations.


In conformity with the Applicable Regulations, subject to an express request to prove Your identity, You are entitled to access Your Personal Data, and to rectify it, oppose it, and delete it, under the conditions set forth in the Applicable Regulations.

Your right to delete Your Personal Data is applicable subject to certain needs We might have to keep the Personal Data, in particular Our legal obligations.

If you exercise your right to opposition, We will stop managing your Personal Data, unless there are legitimate and pressing reasons for management, or to ensure the observing, exercise or defence of these rights in law, in conformity with the Applicable Regulations.

Subject to the conditions in the Applicable Regulations, You may also request a limited management of Your Personal Data.

When the management of Your Personal Data is based on Your consent, You are entitled to withdraw Your consent at any time.

You also have the right to the portability of some of Your Personal Data, which allows you to request a computerized copy in a readable and editable format of Your Personal Data managed by Us within the framework of Your contractual relation with Us to supply products and services You have subscribed to, which excludes the Personal Data which We may have produced for Our own purposes, or which enables Us to respond to Our legal obligations, in particular accounting, social or fiscal, and information related to bookings made, amounts paid or payable, and any information which We may have generated within the framework of Our legitimate interests.

You have the right to inform Us of any direct relatives to replace You in Your Personal Data after Your death.

If necessary, We will inform You of the reasons why the rights You exercise may not be satisfied in part or in whole.

In order to exercise the rights mentioned in this Clause, You may contact Us and attach a copy of a valid ID to Your request and send it to the address given in Clause ‎10 below.


We hereby undertake not to conserve Your Personal Data any longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it was gathered, and in conformity with the Applicable Regulations.

We undertake to make Your Personal Data anonymous or to delete it when the purpose and/or duration of conservation defined expires.

Nevertheless, Personal Data may be filed for longer than the duration foreseen for the purpose of research, observation, and following up on criminal infractions with the sole purpose of allowing, when necessary, access to the Personal Data by a judicial authority, in particular for accounting or fiscal purposes. Filing the Personal Data means it will subject to restricted access will no longer be available to consult on line and will be kept on an autonomous and safe support.

The maximum duration for conservation defined in the table below will be applied, in accordance with Clause 7 above, unless You request the deletion or the cessation of management of Your Personal Data before the duration expires.

Category Duration of conservation

Measurement of audience and customization of the Service, management of cookies and other tracers 13 months from the placing of the cookie or other tracer

The Personal Data We manage within the framework of promotional requests and operations, sending offers and news 3 years from the end of the relationship with the User or from the last interaction started by the User

Personal Data related to the management of requests to exercise rights and questions about Personal Data 3 years from the last interaction started by the User


The Service is not in general meant for minors under the age of 15. This is why We do not gather or conserve the Personal Data of children under the age of 15, unless we obtain verifiable consent from the parents, aware that the person holding parental authority may request information related to their child and request the suppression of the Personal Data.

When a User over the age of 18 provides Personal Data for a minor under the age of 15, he/she undertakes to provide verifiable parental consent, and to provide on request anything showing such proof of consent.


Taking into account the evolution of technology, the costs of application, the nature of the Personal Data to protect and any risks for personal rights and liberties, We apply the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the confidentiality of the Personal Data gathered and managed and a level of security adapted to risk, in conformity with this Policy.

The information gathered within the framework of the booking process is encrypted under the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol on Internet. All useful precautions, as up to date as possible, regarding the nature of Personal Data and risks involved in the management thereof, will be taken to preserve the security of the Personal Data and, in particular, to avoid it being altered or damaged and to avoid unauthorized third parties from having access thereto.


For any questions You may have about the management of Your Personal Data, You can send your request or complaint directly to Us at Hôtel le Cardinal, 3 Rue du Cardinal Mercier, 75009 PARIS or by e-mail at

We will make every effort to find a satisfactory solution and ensure compliance with the Applicable Regulations.

If We do not reply or if the disagreement continues, You can lodge a complaint at the National Information and Liberties Commission (CNIL in French) or the corresponding European Union Member State control authority in the country where You habitually reside.


When using the Service, information about browsing on Your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. may be recorded in the text files called “cookies” installed on Your Terminal, subject to the choices You have made regarding “cookies” and that You can change at any time.

The cookies Policy forms an integral part of the Legal Notices of the Service (General Conditions of Use or “GCU”) and should be read together with the GCU accessible at the following address:, and also Our personal data protection Policy: below.

We may amend the cookies Policy, in particular to adapt to all legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential, editorial and technical developments under the conditions described in the GCU. You should refer to the latest version of the cookies Policy before browsing.


A “cookie” is a small text file, image or software that We are required to register on the hard drive of Your Terminal by means of Your Internet browser when You use the Service, subject to Your agreement and unless You oppose it.

During its validity a “cookie” lets the issuer recognize the Terminal in question each time this Terminal visits website content that holds “cookies” from the same issuer.

Once installed, “cookies” let Us recognize You each time you visit the Service, and let You take advantage of all the functionalities of the Service, show that You have visited such and such a page and thereby provide You with an additional service. They also let Us improve Your browsing comfort, the safety of Your connection and adapt the content of a page to Your interests or preferences as a user.

The information recorded by “cookies”, during a period of limited validity, concerns mainly the pages visited, the type of browser You use and other data that Our services on line manage automatically such as the identity of Your Internet access supplier, Your IP address and the information that You have obtained from the Service (to avoid having to get it again).

“Cookies” are not active files, and cannot store viruses. To find out more, please visit


Only the issuer of a “cookie” can read or amend the information it contains.

“Cookies” are used for the purposes described below, subject to the choices that You make and can change at all times using the software parameters of the browser used when visiting the Service.

2.1 Browser “cookies”

Browser “cookies” enable the improvement of the Service in such a way as to provide Users with a better use of the Service. These “cookies” do not require any information or previous consent from the User to be placed on the User’s Terminal.

More specifically these browser “cookies” enable, in particular:

• the adaptation of the presentation of the Service to the preferences displayed on Your Terminal (language used, resolution of display, operating system used, etc.) while You use the Service, depending on the visualization and reading materials or software installed on Your Terminal;

• access to a reserved space subject to user name and password;

• the memorization of information related to the forms You have filled in when using the Service;

• the memorization of Your user preferences, the display and reading parameters You use in order to facilitate Your browsing on Your next visit to the Service;

• the adaptation of information and promotional content on the Service depending on the interests and preferences deduced, declared or obtained from Your browsing the Service, and according to the place where You connect to the Service;

• the implementation of security measures, for example when a User is requested to connect again to the Service after a certain time has elapsed.

2.2 Statistical “cookies”

Statistical “cookies” issued on the Service enable the taking of statistics and measurements of frequency of use of the diverse elements the Service consists of (headers and content visited, history, etc.), letting Us improve the interest and ergonomics of the Service.

The results from statistical “cookies” are managed anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.

2.3 Third-party and advertising “cookies”

Advertising “cookies” and third-party “cookies” enable in particular:

• the determination in real time of what advertisements to display depending on Your recent browsing in order to limit the number of times an advertisement is displayed and to help measure the efficiency of an advertising campaign;

• the customization of Your browsing experience on the Service, maintaining and improving the quality of Our Service and to protect You from all fraudulent activity. When third-party websites, such as social network websites, receive information contained in “cookies” by using a specific module of the Service, this information is meant to be anonymous and its sole purpose is meant to be to identify You on the Service.


“Cookies” issued on the Service are session “cookies” (whose duration is limited to the time of connection to the Service) and persistent “cookies” (whose duration, although limited, is longer than the time of connection).

Session “cookies” are only active while you visit and are deleted when You close Your browser. Persistent “cookies” are recorded on the hard drive of Your Terminal when You close Your browser.

In compliance with the Applicable Regulations and the recommendations of the National Information and Liberties Commission (“CNIL”), “cookies ” are conserved for a maximum period of 13 (thirteen) months after first being placed. When this time has passed, Your consent should be obtained again for the gathering of cookies subject to consent.


The User rights acknowledged in Clause 6 of the personal data protection policy are also applicable to the use of “cookies”.

You have various different possibilities for managing cookies. Users understand that “cookies” improve browsing comfort on the Service. Any parameters that Users install may modify their browsing on the Service and the conditions of access to certain services which require the use of “cookies”. We cannot be held responsible for the consequences of a less efficient use of the Service due to the impossibility of installing or reading the “cookies” necessary for the correct operation thereof, if Users have rejected or deleted them.

Users can configure their browsing software in such a way that “cookies” are recorded on their Terminal, or on the contrary, rejected, either systematically or depending on the issuer. Users can also configure their browsing software in such a way as to accept or refuse “cookies” as they are suggested on each occasion, before a cookie is registered on their Terminal.

NB, exercising the right of opposition will not stop the display of advertising. Only advertisements which use the Service customization services will cease to be displayed. In other words, Users will no longer be exposed to advertisements adapted to their interests via “cookies” on the Service but will still see advertisements whose content is not necessarily appropriate to their interests, in other words doubtful advertisements.

The help menu or the specific heading on Your browser will let you know how to delete or change Your preferences for “cookies”:

• For Internet Explorer™:

• For Safari™:

• For Chrome™:

• For Firefox™:

• For Opera™:

• iOS:

• Android:

• Blackberry:

• Windows Phone:




Any person using the Hôtel le Cardinal website for booking purposes must be at least 18 years old and legally capable of entering into contracts under the law.

The Client may book up to seven (7) rooms per reservation on the site for individual and personal use. For group bookings related to business, meetings, seminars, or other events, please send an email to For any booking identified on the site exceeding seven rooms, the Hotel reserves the right to modify the price and the general terms and conditions of sale.

Any irregular, inoperative, incomplete, or fraudulent reservation or payment due to a reason attributable to the Client will result in the cancellation of the reservation at the Client's expense, without prejudice to any civil or criminal action against the latter.

ARTICLE 1: PURPOSE These general terms and conditions of sale define the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of remote booking of services offered by Hôtel le Cardinal. They apply to all bookings made via the Hotel’s website.

ARTICLE 2: GENERAL PROVISIONS These general terms and conditions of sale apply for the entire duration that the services are online on the site. Hôtel le Cardinal reserves the right to supplement or modify these terms at any time by publishing a new version on its website, which will apply automatically from its date of posting. The applicable general terms and conditions of sale are those in force on the date of the reservation.

ARTICLE 3: CONCLUSION OF THE ONLINE CONTRACT 3.1. Client’s Choice of Services: The Client chooses the services presented under their sole responsibility, without any liability on the part of Hôtel le Cardinal. They ensure the nature, destination, and booking conditions are suitable. The Client acknowledges they have received the necessary advice and information to make a booking with full knowledge of the facts.

3.2. Booking Process:

The Client makes their reservation through the dematerialized order form available on the site.

The Client confirms the accuracy of the information provided.

The Client must follow a series of steps to complete their booking, including:

Searching for stay dates, room category, and a rate;

Optionally selecting additional services such as breakfast (unless included in the rate mentioned above);

Verifying the reservation details, total cost, and applicable sales terms (general and specific);

Providing the Client’s contact information;

Entering credit card data if a guarantee or prepayment is required;

Reviewing and accepting the general terms and conditions of sale and specific terms of the reserved rate before confirming the reservation;

Confirming the reservation.

3.3. Booking Acknowledgment: An acknowledgment email is sent to the Client, summarizing the contract offer, reserved services, prices, total order amount, terms of sale related to the selected rate accepted by the Client, and the date of the reservation.

3.4. Formation of the Reservation: The reservation is deemed formed once the reservation is confirmed or upon online prepayment by credit card.


Prices related to the reservation of services are indicated on the site and confirmed during the booking process.

Prices are per room for the number of people and the selected date.

Prices are confirmed to the Client in an all-inclusive amount in the Hotel’s currency and are valid only for the period indicated on the site.

All reservations are payable in the Hotel’s local currency (Euro €), unless otherwise specified on site.

Unless otherwise stated on the site, additional services (breakfast, etc.) are not included in the price and are displayed separately.

The tourist tax, shown on the rate page, must be paid directly on site at the Hotel.

Prices include the applicable VAT rate at the time of booking. Any change in the applicable VAT rate will automatically be reflected in the prices shown on the billing date.

Similarly, any modification or introduction of new legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities will automatically be reflected in the prices shown on the billing date.

Currency conversion is indicative and non-contractual. Only the currency confirmed during booking is guaranteed (if different from the Hotel’s currency, any exchange fees will be borne by the Client).

If a rate requires payment at the Hotel upon arrival or departure and the Client's currency differs from the Hotel’s, the Hotel's charged rate may differ from the communicated rate due to possible exchange rate fluctuations between the booking date and the stay dates.


The Client provides their bank details as a reservation guarantee, unless otherwise stated for special conditions or rates, by credit or private card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, etc.) directly in the secure area (SSL encrypted entry), with the card number, expiration date (card must be valid at the time of stay), and security code. They must present the credit card used to guarantee the reservation or prepayment at check-in. The Hotel may request identification for fraud prevention purposes.

Payment is debited at the Hotel during the stay, unless special conditions or rates specify otherwise, where payment is debited at the time of booking (online prepayment for certain rates). This prepayment is considered a deposit. For non-prepaid online rates, the Hotel may request a deposit or authorization to debit the credit card at check-in to cover payment for on-site services.

Unless the stay is prepaid, regardless of the Client’s booking channel, the Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize the credit card before the arrival date and no later than the arrival day. If declined, the Hotel may cancel the reservation. Note that pre-authorization is not an immediate debit but a reservation for later payment authorized by the Client’s bank.

In case of no-show (unannounced non-arrival), the Hotel will charge the Client an indemnity equal to the first night’s stay on the credit card provided as a guarantee, and any additional nights will be canceled at no cost unless otherwise stated in the reserved rate’s terms of sale. By booking, the Client expressly authorizes the Hotel to proceed with this indemnity payment.

At prepayment, the amount debited at booking includes: accommodation price, accommodation-related taxes, the price of meals if breakfast is chosen, meal-related taxes, and any additional services selected by the Client.

For rates requiring online prepayment, the advance payment, considered as a deposit, is debited at booking.


According to Article L 121-21, 12° of the Consumer Code, the Client does not have the right of withdrawal provided for in Article L 121-21 of the Consumer Code.

The terms of sale for the reserved rate specify the conditions for cancellation and/or modification of the reservation.

Prepaid bookings cannot be modified or canceled. Deposits are non-refundable. This will be noted in the rate’s terms of sale.

If the reserved rate’s terms allow, cancellations or modifications can be made directly with the Hotel by email only.

In case of early departure, the full agreed price will be charged. For prepaid bookings, no refunds will be granted.

Unless otherwise stated, the Client must vacate the room by 12:00 pm on the last day of the reservation. Failure to do so will incur an additional night’s charge.

All reservations are personal and cannot be transferred to a third party, either for free or for a fee.

ARTICLE 7: RELOCATION In exceptional circumstances or if the reserved room is unavailable, or in cases of force majeure, the Hotel reserves the right to relocate the Client to a hotel of equivalent category with similar services, subject to prior notification to the Client. Any extra room charges, transportation between the hotels, and a phone call will be borne by the initially reserved hotel.


In accordance with French regulations, the Client will be asked upon arrival to complete a police form (sent by email with the reservation confirmation). To do so, the Client must present identification to determine if the police form needs to be completed.

The Client must comply with the Hotel’s Internal Regulations available at Reception. Non-compliance will result in the Client being asked to leave the Hotel without compensation or refund if payment has already been made. If no payment has been made, the Client must pay the total stay price (consumed and reserved nights) before departure.

Hôtel le Cardinal offers free Wi-Fi access. The Client agrees not to use its computing resources to reproduce, represent, make available, or communicate to the public any copyrighted material without authorization from the rights holders or in violation of their rights.

ARTICLE 9: EXCLUSIONS OF LIABILITY The site’s photographs are not contractual. Although the Hotel strives to ensure that the photographs, graphic representations, and texts depicting the Hotel provide an accurate overview of the accommodations, variations may occur due to changes in furniture or renovations. Hôtel le Cardinal shall not be held liable for non-performance or improper performance of the reservation in case of force majeure, acts by third parties, acts by the Client, including internet network unavailability, site access issues, external intrusion, computer viruses, or unauthorized prepayment by the Client’s bank.

ARTICLE 10: HOTEL’S RIGHT TO CANCEL / ERRORS The site may contain inaccuracies and technical, typographical, or other errors regarding displayed information, including rates, fees, or availability. Hôtel le Cardinal disclaims all liability for such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. The Hotel reserves the right not to honor reservations or information affected by such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. The Hotel reserves the right to make changes, corrections, cancellations, and/or improvements to information or reservations based on such information, at any time, including after booking confirmation.

ARTICLE 11: CLAIMS Claims related to the non-performance or improper performance of hotel services must be reported by email within 24 hours of the departure date, under penalty of forfeiture, to:

ARTICLE 12: DATA PROTECTION Information collected during reservations is processed to manage and execute the reservation and related services. The Client’s personal data is subject to the provisions of French Data Protection Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended, and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) No. 2016/679. The Client has the right to access, rectify, delete, or object to the processing of their personal data. The Client can exercise these rights by writing to: Hôtel le Cardinal, 3 rue du Cardinal Mercier, 75009 Paris.

ARTICLE 13: APPLICABLE LAW The parties agree that these general terms and conditions are governed by French law. Any dispute related to their interpretation or execution will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of French courts.